Breakfast Meal Prep for Busy People

Breakfast Meal Prep for Busy People

Why Meal Prep?

We talk about meal-prepping a lot at Pre®. Mostly because when it comes to trying out new recipe ideas and coming up with content for our readers, “meals that are easy to prep ahead of time” are always at the forefront of the trending Pinterest boards. But another reason we are always talking about the best meal prep containers or how to meal prep using the grill is that our vacuum-sealed, freezer-friendly packaging makes planning meals for the week a LOT easier. Breakfast meal prep will make your mornings much more enjoyable! 

All Pre® steaks and ground beef are sealed airtight in our 100% BPA and nitrate-free packaging. It is fully transparent so you can see all sides of the beef at all times. The vacuum seal extends shelf life and allows you to keep steaks in the refrigerator for, sometimes, up to 2 weeks depending on when you buy it in the store (Always check the use/ freeze by date). This is what makes Pre steaks essential for planning out weekly meals. Buy your steak or ground beef on Sunday and use it on Thursday, it’s okay!

Breakfast Meal Prep

For this post, we wanted to focus on the meal that is coined the most-important-meal-of-the-daybreakfast. Meal-prepping is not just for work lunches and healthy dinners throughout the week. If you meal-prep breakfast and start every day with some lean protein and healthy fats, you are bound to have a much more energized day.

We created three recipes that will make you want to wake up in the morning just to eat breakfast. Make-ahead breakfast burritos, pancake muffins with cold brew syrup, and scrambled egg and sausage pop tarts are here to make mornings easier. You can store these in. the freezer all week and heat them up in the oven, toaster oven or microwave. 

Prep these recipes this week (or next week) and they might end up being your trustworthy weekday breakfast warriors.

3 Breakfasts to Meal Prep This Weekend

1. Make-Ahead Breakfast Burritos

make ahead breakfast burritos

2. Pancake Muffins with Cold Brew Syrup

3. Scrambled Egg and Sausage Pop-Tart

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